How does SARScore work
SARScore uses advanced algorithms and user-generated data to evaluate and rate the accessibility of various locations and services.
By collecting information on physical access features, proximity to public transportation, and user feedback, SARScore assigns a dynamic rating to locations, helping individuals and businesses make informed decisions about accessibility.
Users can search for locations on our platform to see their accessibility scores and detailed reports, including entry and exit access, mobility inside the location, facilities accessibility, and public transport proximity.
What is Services Access Rating ? ... SARScore
Services Access Rating, or SARScore, is a dynamic rating system designed to measure and communicate the accessibility of various locations and services.
It assesses a wide range of factors, from physical layout to public transportation and availability of accessible facilities.
The goal of SARScore is to create an inclusive environment by providing detailed accessibility information, empowering individuals, businesses, and urban planners to make spaces more accessible for everyone.